Sunday, October 16, 2022


They know not what they did
They know not what they said
I erred and I accepted,
I faultered and I take responsibility.
Forgive them for the venom,
Forgive them for defamation,
Forgive them for your destruction.

They know not what they do,
They know not what they say,
Eleven years ago I vowed to never love again 
For people betrayed, for people lied.
For people played with my feelings. 
Today in 2022 I shut all doors to friendship.
This door that I will never open again,
For people betrayed and lied,
For they played with my innocence.

Forgive them for they know not what they are doing,
Forgive them for they know not what they are saying,
I lost my mental balance and got intoxicated,
I cried miserably in hopes to be heard,
My cry wasn't a scream, 
My cry was a plead to not leave me.
Words of venom are just words,
Your thoughts about me shook me.

My mistake was that I loved unconditionally,
My dumb heart did not know how to stop.
You became my sister, you became my family,
When real life threw stones, you saved me.
Forgive them because they know not what they sinned,
Forgive them because they know not what they felt,
My heart never took advantage, 
My heart never played with you emotionally,
My daft mind didn't remember your tragedy,
I erred because I didn't remember.
My tears are no drama,
My exhausted life never manipulated. 

Forgive me for I spoke for countless hours,
Forgive me for we laughed together,
Forgive me for I thought we were good friends,
Forgive me for I thought you understood me. 

I erred when I let my emotions over flow,
I erred when I love and care extremely,
Forgive me because I knew you abandoned me.
Forgive me I promised to never leave. 

My stupid heart doesn't listen after being beaten,
It has got used to humiliation and hatred. 
It doesn't know how to stop loving. 

Forgive me for loving like you never experienced,
Forgive me you didn't understand this new love.
It is pure. It is my soul. 
It erred to think you were a soulmate. 
Forgive me I will let you be in your life,
Forgive me for being weird for you. 

Forgive them for they know not what they let go.
Forgive them for they killed the purity of love. 
Go live your happy life, 
Go live your completeness. 
Forgive them for they are not at fault.

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