Friday, October 1, 2010

Oktober Fest: A place where you can be YOU

Isn’t it funny when you see a huge crowd walking towards you as if they are deluded and surprisingly you do not fear that at all?

Isn’t it funny when you have a friendly banter with people who are complete strangers to you?

Welcome to the world of Oktober Fest held in Germany.

It did make me feel for a moment that my positional vertigo is back – Eh! Vertigo is an illusion of motion when the world around you spins due to some silly fluid movement in your ear. In Oktober fest, you would not see a single individual who can walk straight – quite obviously because it’s a beer festival and people are too high to walk on a straight line. Big fat ladies in their most revealing outfit serve you a huge mug (1 liter) of beer and while she serves you, she finishes a couple of them on her own as well.

It was hilarious and yet wonderful to see so many people happy and enjoy at the same time; it was fun to see people collapsing on each other yet with no indecent intention of pushing someone on purpose. It was surprising to talk to some Bavarians for hours and realize their extreme hunger to experience self –awareness and spirituality.

Wouldn’t you find it strange when you meet some people just like you, but all they do not know is the way to awaken spirit of introspection and train their conscience with deeper understanding of self?

Oktober fest is all about letting your trained mind over the years relax for few hours; when you do not anymore want to pretend; when you act what you feel and say what you think with no fear of being reciprocated in an evaluate manner.

A must visit once in your life!

Written by Vrushali Deshpande

Final Blow

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