Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Fading Beats

Haven't we heard of the countless broken hearts,
There comes an age when everything's dark. 
The beats once felt, have tricked and swayed. 
The body that exists finds no place to stay

The cries that pierced every night,
Were muffled by pillows held so tight.
Now no more tears; they seem misplaced. 
Heart no more dazed; and the mind decays. 

Nostalgia evades a mind deceased,
Memories don't flash the one it missed.
Silence resides but there's no peace,
Words are tired; with no pain to release. 

No complaints, no "Why?" remains, 
Need for love erased from the brain.
A time comes when needs subside,
Defeat is when 'hope' has died

No more tears, no more screams at night.
No more expectations, no more fight.
Heart can't be felt in fading beats
Abandoning the body; and choosing to retreat. 

Heart that beats without a sound,
In the stillness somewhere to remain unfound.

No aspirations or ambitions to gain
No desire to achieve a meaningless name 

No void to fill, no emptiness inside,
Existing lifelessly, drowning in high tide.
No more complaints, no more requests,
Just a tired quiet soul dying to rest.

Written by Vrushali Deshpande 

Final Blow

There once was a love so deep and true I forgave you, no matter what you'd do Betrayal after betrayal, my heart torn in two But my love ...