Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lost in the music of silence

Lost in the traces of yesterday, I hold those memories with tight-lipped silence.  As the breeze sweeps my wet hair, monsoon once again takes me back with you.  Flashes of your smile that made your eyes go small; the dance of those fingers, which were deeply in love ….

I sit wherever I find a place, in sedation of the hand I did not want to leave. As you look at me with nothing but innocence, I let my heart change its rhythm for you.  

I am not paused; I walk with you. I drive with you. Things around me live…days pass by, and I relive my today with you.  A red traffic signal fascinates me to hear you laugh. Cars speed fast ahead of me and hypnotize me to think of you. Alcohol does not anymore make me cry for you; it takes me deeper into silence and the world around me chooses to pause for once!!

The DJ becomes my friend; he plays the music loud and I do not hear my silent screams.  I step on the floor, sedated to not love you. Those dance steps are no more the same. I dance more passionately; to forget you…Am I too high to think you have appeared? I stop... I step out for a drag and say nothing…
Your memories are as silent as me...

Silence becomes long enough and I head back to get lost in the noise and dance. Am I no more a good dancer? Why my moves do not sync with his? I kiss him passionately, to forget you….Tears drip sideways as I seduce him... Have I become bad finally? You “leaving me” is now justified. 

Written by: Vrushali Deshpande

A part from my book, "Smiling Tears".

Final Blow

There once was a love so deep and true I forgave you, no matter what you'd do Betrayal after betrayal, my heart torn in two But my love ...