Monday, February 6, 2012

Acceptance: A key to a successful bond

When there is a gap between what we expect from people and what they give to us, we encourage complaints to creep in. Expressing your dissatisfied thought in form of a complaint never really makes the person reciprocate positively on it. It is important to tell them what we desire, but it is not important to tell them what they do not provide to us.

I meet a lot of people everyday in life. I hear their opinions, ideologies and I realize how different each one is from me. What may seem just so right to me may be completely wrong to another and vice versa. Often relationships are complicated when we impose our beliefs on someone who has had his individual learnings from life.

Written by Vrushali Deshpande

Final Blow

There once was a love so deep and true I forgave you, no matter what you'd do Betrayal after betrayal, my heart torn in two But my love ...