Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Relationships are not complicated. We make them complicated !

Love is not only about seeing the rosy picture in a relationship and expect butterflies to fly around you, but also about the will to accept and tackle the challenges in a relationship. People come from different backgrounds and set of thinking and each individual has a perspective to things he has experienced in life. Relationships are not complicated; but it is a union of two people who come together from completely different set of thinking.

It is funny that in 27 years of my life, I have encountered most people who want to run away from the challenges in hope to find someone who would only be goodie-goodie all their life. Are you really thinking that is possible? Best part about being with someone who has his opinion is that you learn something more than you already know. You see a different way of looking at a thing, but with it would come the challenge of clashing opinions and this should not impact the foundation of the relationship.

Beauty of a relationship is when you are able to ‘+’ someone’s ‘-‘. Two people in a relationship should growth together and understand each other rather than discarding right away. It is pertinent to have a flexible mentality and without which, one would not be able to accept another. Why do we really expect people to be like us? Or say things to us which we will only like to hear? Would not we be then expecting them to be robots, the remote control for which is in our hands?

You grow up not when you make good money and progress in your career; you grow up when you are able to accept that every person is different and escapism from this would only invite more such circumstances in your life. It is not important sometimes to change the other; it is sometimes most important to change ourselves.

Written by Vrushali Deshpande

When I am Gone

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