Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Living for your 'SELF'

‘Life moves on’, as they say, stands true. Expectations from a relationship die eventually and you realise you are just wasting your life hoping for things to become better. I do not know if it is about accepting things as they are because my mind for a change does not want to think that deep. But it surely is about moving on to live your life.

We live our life trying to fulfill expectations of everyone around us and the time we decide to free ourselves a bit to fulfill our desires, we are often questioned and the whole journey of self fulfillment is ruined. It is bizarre, we were born alone, we surely had a purpose to turn into a human and not an insect, and yet we live more for everything around us than for ourselves.

They told us to be independent and make a living for yourself so that you can have a better life ahead. The words were so enforcing yet so practical that we joined in the race, almost eventually forgetting to live life.

Once in a while when enough has been earned, we find ways to relax ourselves by spending some portion of that money. A cinema, good food in a restaurant, some drinks in a good pub or lounge, a dance in a discotheque, a music concert, a play or a long drive in a good car – but yes, eventually, we have enough of that too.

With dawn and dusk, the race continues, the void creeps in and questions go on. “Are you living your life truly the way you wish in your heart and head?”, “Is this what you really wanted to do in life?”, “Do you really want to get married?”, “Are you really in love?”, “Do you want to live for yourself?”

It is no more about relationships; it is no more about what they expect from us and what we once expected from them. It is no more about tears of pain and laughter of momentary materialistic pleasures. It is just about 'YOU' and knowing that there is just one fact, that you are eventually going to die. Everything else around you can change any moment, but this fact stays true. Then the question remains, “From this one life that you had, have you lived enough to die in peace?”

Written by Vrushali Deshpande

Final Blow

There once was a love so deep and true I forgave you, no matter what you'd do Betrayal after betrayal, my heart torn in two But my love ...