Tuesday, June 30, 2009


A professional is the one who does his best when he feels the worse and thus with this I leave no scope for personal issues preoccupying the mind. What we vow to ourselves strongly, our subconscious puts it to action and this slowly becomes a part of our personality.

“You come to your workplace to create a pathway to your ambitions and not to make friends” – this mantra which I repeated for three long years today has made me the way I am. I am not sure if it is justifiable to be called as a robot in human form, but definitely if called as a human in robot form.

I realized that it is not bizarre when one has to smile, and talk in the most polite manner with every second person in order to develop relationships for professional reasons, but this gesture is never with an intention to make anyone your friend. It is not strange when you make them feel like a friend but do not decide to make them aware about you the way you would do to a friend.

Such relationships are always in the form of give and take and we continue to wear this mask in front of them by publicly declaring that I am wearing one and you better be aware of it- and this certainly is communicated in the most polite manner.

This you do not find fake anymore, this you find as a way to be and there is nothing that stinks about it. You cannot maneuver an individual who has learnt the rules of professionalism and you choose not to maneuver someone who is not yet aware of it. True professionalism would never question your self engraved values and dignity, It would only go about enhancing it.

Written by Vrushali Deshpande

When I am Gone

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