Sunday, February 1, 2009

Time passes by !

Time is money? I do not by any chance intend to get materialistic once again. But talking about time, it does really passes by, and you know what? It passes by making you fully aware second by second of its departure. Time tells us our story which is going to be in the near future and we are well assured of the numerous things we are going to repent on. Sigh! And still no resolutions to take corrective actions in order to not repent.

Countless nights sobbing on worthless and useless boyfriends you ever had in your life; it is like pushing yourself for a suicide over and over again. Precious hours one could have rather spent with their folks who truly have taken care of us, who genuinely love us, and you know what? In our absence who really miss us so much!

Nightmares (and especially these early morning ones) sometimes throw a light on our low wisdom when we see the death of one of our family member and that agonizing pain which chokes the throat in a half asleep state aggravates it all. We resolute in our early morning prayers that we shall not take our folks for granted. The light of wisdom vanishes as soon as our folks shoot their questions, and what is concern for them becomes interrogation for us.

Be it relationships or career, rarely a resolution lasts long and that whole idea of seeing the intention diminishing annoys the mind to the core.

To look at it, there is going to be one fine day when these people we today take granted for would be gone and we shall never be able to see them, hear them, and touch them. That feeling of repentance shall put us into lifelong trauma eventually, and we would wonder that what if we spent that time, that time which we completely wasted on some silly thing, we could have rather spent with them.

Written by: Vrushali Deshpande

Final Blow

There once was a love so deep and true I forgave you, no matter what you'd do Betrayal after betrayal, my heart torn in two But my love ...