Sunday, February 1, 2009

Virtual chat????

Virtual chat! Hours of conversation with people we do not know at all and with people who do not know us at all; I call the former strangers and the latter, acquaintances who love to be called as friends.
(Hey! You probably did not realize how vocal you can get about your emotions when you sit and chat to your friend on the seat beside you, but such a thought of unveiling your emotions do not come to you otherwise.)
Okay! Getting to the point, some conversations are easy to have with people who do not have any preconditioned opinion about us. Some conversations are so difficult with people who we think know us enough to form a judgment on the situation we are in. Great! We are only looking for a place where we would not get a reality check about ourselves.
Sometimes hours of “what’s up” and “what else” seem more productive to us than talking to someone who reside with us in our home. Sometimes hours of useless counseling virtually seem more of a noble cause than sitting with your mother who probably needs someone to talk to. Tragic, isn’t it?
Human actions can be so inhumane and this comes with complete realization of what we are doing!
These people will come and go! Strangers you meet and know in person will one day be gone with change of job, career, and wedlock, and probably the frequency of conversation would diminish. (No, I am not saying the friendship would fade, it probably would be the best of its kind). But what matters is acknowledging someone’s presence who works day and night for your well being; who for god’s sake made that internet facility available for you by paying thousands of rupees for an unlimited access. Sigh!
Written by: Vrushali Deshpande

Final Blow

There once was a love so deep and true I forgave you, no matter what you'd do Betrayal after betrayal, my heart torn in two But my love ...