Wednesday, June 20, 2007



I wake up in the morning to face the happenings, this sun which I welcome out of compulsion. My expressionless face and my aimless body language worries people around me. They console me pointlessly when they know not the reason.

The luck charm appears to have gone forever, the blessings does not seem to be with me anymore. I converse with God and I tell him how fair he has been towards me. By doing that I try finding out ways where I do not blame anyone but me.

The dreams make fun of me, they fulfill my unfulfilled wishes and how I know it is trying to show me the least possible. My heart pumps faster and this indeed happens at a subconscious level, but I feel hope for those moments and I’m so happy. This hope makes fun of me in many ways. It enters my life in the form of a dream and later slaps me by telling me that it was never around me.

The ray of sun disturbs my eyes. I quickly close my eyes to escape from the very thought of hope. This thought I once escaped from, this thought which I deeply hate now.
Failure comes my way and I still train my mind to think positive.

I do this all to respect God's gift of life. I do this all because there is no other better way of living life.

Written by: Vrushali Deshpande

Final Blow

There once was a love so deep and true I forgave you, no matter what you'd do Betrayal after betrayal, my heart torn in two But my love ...