Thursday, October 3, 2019

Home away

Sometimes the house you call as home feels more comfortable and cosy than the people that live in it. And now comes a time when the house you don't call as your home makes you be what you want to be. Empty house, white walls and a closed window seem more welcoming than a moonlight evening at home with the breeze on your face.

I struggle through this mind fog but somewhere deep down my ability to not react anymore to pain from loved ones is making the fog go away. Where do I truly want to be is the question I often ask myself. Is it being at the house you call home or a house that is more welcoming?

Loneliness is more friendly because there is no one to disagree with; there is less tension, there are no arguments and I seem to be getting used to the quiet in it.

When I am Gone

In a world full of love and of lies You looked into my trusting eyes With a heart so pure I thought you were sure But you let the deceitful ...