Monday, October 14, 2019

Meditate to Mediate

And then comes that time when you are mentally and physically tired of your self destructive ways. Self induced anxiety and depression due to external circumstances gets you to the stage where you finally say, 'It is enough'.

You anyhow want to do something about these symptoms driving you to the obsession of overthinking. You pull yourself up and then you are not looking to find your willpower because it comes naturally to you.

You meditate to mediate the argument between the two minds that reside in you.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Unquiet mind

There is silence around me; at least the one my ears cannot hear. Yet this commotion in my mind jumbles my thoughts which scream in agony; a pain that I cannot seem to understand. Why is this pain so excruciating? Why then I cannot see the reason behind it, but I can feel the aftermath of it?
My lame attempt to jot it down in words is a failure of articulation. Yet I want to pour it out in some form which I do not expect even the letters to understand.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Home away

Sometimes the house you call as home feels more comfortable and cosy than the people that live in it. And now comes a time when the house you don't call as your home makes you be what you want to be. Empty house, white walls and a closed window seem more welcoming than a moonlight evening at home with the breeze on your face.

I struggle through this mind fog but somewhere deep down my ability to not react anymore to pain from loved ones is making the fog go away. Where do I truly want to be is the question I often ask myself. Is it being at the house you call home or a house that is more welcoming?

Loneliness is more friendly because there is no one to disagree with; there is less tension, there are no arguments and I seem to be getting used to the quiet in it.

Setting You Free

In the shadows of fear, I dwelled for years. Afraid to love, consumed by my tears. But then you appeared like an angel in need. And I found ...