Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My conversation with Time

You ticked faster every time I spent time with him
You looked so old that day; you trembled so much when I couldn’t be with him
I foolishly wondered if life was nothing beyond this rendezvous
And in this life time I would not crave for anything in lieu

You ticked faster when I met him after a long tiring day
You looked so disinterested to tick when in night I awaited the forthcoming day
I crazily wondered if evening could follow the night
Because there wouldn’t be anything as important as capturing his sight

Monday I counted the day sixth
Thursday I said it’s three
Saturday I cried helplessly before God
And with these tears God had his spree

You ticked faster when I finally waved good bye to him
You looked so dead, so motionless when I awaited him
Awed by my eyes you played with my restlessness
And with your every tick you drove me towards craziness
I insanely wondered if you could pause the present moment
As I foolishly prayed to unwind those lovely moments

With every such plead, God you laughed back at me
With every droplet of my tear, you just vainly ignored me
Desperate I became to talk to you
And with my word, you turned deaf ears towards me
I have never learnt to lose faith
And I know that at some point in our lives, we all re-write our fate

With every such belief, God you did everything to challenge it
And with my repetitive triumph, I redefined what you called "defeat"

When I am Gone

In a world full of love and of lies You looked into my trusting eyes With a heart so pure I thought you were sure But you let the deceitful ...