Saturday, October 17, 2009

Simplicity of Life

I look at life with an enthused spirit waiting to pour its energy on worthy things. Life is an endless journey which has its own way of accompanying my wandering soul. I meet some people who hold my hand & they decide to walk with me. These people & their stay in my life I cannot foresee. Life for me is living in the present, cherishing what I receive ‘now’ from people & things.

There are things that I do not need & there are people, who do not need me. There are words which we remember the whole of our life & there are words which we know are not worth registering.

I sleep peaceful nights because within my body lies a soul which is pure in its thoughts. I wear a face of true smiles because within me lies blessing for human beings.

Some relationships talk too much to understand if the base is strong or weak.
Some relationships go quiet because they have their own reason which is seldom communicated.

Best form of love is expression of the feeling you have towards someone. Love is love when it shows on the face & speaks in silence. Love is love when all attempts are made to convey the good intentions & it fails with no outrage for the person involved.

Life does not stop love whether there’s a busy life ahead, whether there’s someone’s absence, whether there are too many things at that time to think about.

And love does not stop life because life goes on whether there’s love, hatred or simply plain ignorance.

Written by Vrushali Deshpande

Final Blow

There once was a love so deep and true I forgave you, no matter what you'd do Betrayal after betrayal, my heart torn in two But my love ...